Have you ever had the feeling like there is more going on in this life than what appears to be, a sense that there really is a higher power in whatever context you believe that to be? I’ve had this feeling all my life. It is this feeling that took me on a journey in search for answers to my big questions of why am I here and what am I supposed to be doing. My search took me to the far away land of Indonesia, to spiritual books, churches and even to sweat lodges. I found some evidence that I could not deny and some truth and yet I did not have a complete picture of what this life is really about. That is until I learned one principle that made all the puzzle pieces fit together, that answered my big questions and pointed me in the direction of understanding the plan that the universe has for me and how I could work within that plan to create the life I longed for and live my purpose. So what was that principle I learned that created this earth shattering collaboration with the universe?
It's a Pendulum Thing
The principle that helped me to become a partner with the creator was learning and understanding the principle of Higher Laws. What are Higher Laws you might be asking? Sound kind of flaky? Well it’s not. Higher Laws are very real and tangible. Simply put, higher Laws are principles that create results that work upon a paradox.They are a set of laws outlined by the Creator that when we align to a Higher Law, we get an alternate result. It’s a pendulum thing. When you take a long necklace with a pendulum on the bottom and swing it, you take an action on one side by drawing up the pendulum and then release it. And what happens next? It swings right? The action that you take on the one hand creates an alternate response as the pendulum swings up the other side. It’s kind of counter intuitive. If you want the pendulum to go to the left shouldn’t you just be able to push the pendulum to the left? You can but it’s not sustainable because the moment you let go, it’s going to swing to the right. To go in the direction we want to go, we need to take an action in what seems to be the completely opposite direction. That’s how the universe set up higher laws. There is an opposite to all things. To create the results we want we must do the action that is in alignment to the Higher Law that corresponds with the result we want.
Have I confused you enough? Let me give you an example.
One example of how a principle works is that people who are constantly looking for love and taking their own temperature to know if they are happy will not be happy. People who are looking outside themselves and trying to serve others out of pure love are happy. It’s a pendulum thing, we cannot find happiness through an inward search for happiness. Finding happiness requires us to do the opposite by looking outward to serve those around us. As Mahatma Gaundi so eloquently put it, “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Higher Laws are Steadfast
I have sometimes struggled with truly understanding what higher laws are and how they affect me. Stephen Covey explains that “the fundamental idea is that there are principles that govern human effectiveness - natural laws in the human dimension that are just as real, just as unchanging and arguably ‘there’ as laws such as gravity are in the physical dimension.”
Brandon Broadwater helped me to understand higher laws best when he relayed a story told by Frank Koch in the Proceedings, a Navel Institute magazine.
"Two battleships assigned to the training squadron had been at sea on maneuvers in heavy weather for several days. I was serving on the lead battleship and was on watch on the bridge as night fell. The visibility was poor with patchy fog, so the captain remained on the bridge keeping an eye on all activities.
Shortly after dark, the lookout on the wing of the bridge reported, “Light, bearing on the starboard bow."
“Is it steady or moving astern?” the captain called out.
Lookout replied, “steady, captain”, which meant we were on a dangerous collision course with that ship.
The captain then called to the signalman “signal that ship: we are on a collision course, advise you change course 20 degrees."
Back came a signal “advisable for you to change course 20 degrees."
The captain said “send, I’m a captain, change course 20 degrees."
“I’m a seaman second class. You had better change course 20 degrees” came the reply.
By that time, the captain was furious. He spat out, “send, I’m a battleship. Change course 20 degrees."
Back came a flashing light, “I’m a lighthouse."
We changed course.
What does that story teach us about higher laws? Higher laws are like lighthouses. They are unmoving principles like gravity. We cannot change them because they are not in style or convenient or even socially preferred. As Cecil B. DeMille said “It is impossible for us to break the law. We can only break ourselves against the law.” Brandon Broadwater explains that “the reality of such principles or natural laws becomes obvious to anyone who thinks deeply and examines the cycles of social history. These principles surface time and time again, and the degree to which people in a society recognize and live in harmony with them moves them toward either survival and stability or disintegration and destruction.” So I guess the question we need to know is; in our own lives are we moving towards stability, peace and even prosperity, or towards destruction, even if that destruction is a slow disconnection with the people we love.
Principles in Action
There was a time in my life when I desperately wanted financial results. I recall one day doing the budget with my husband Andy. I kept looking from our bank account to our budget hoping that if I looked at it just one more time I would see something different. Tears began to well up in my eyes as I took in what I saw. Our bank account was not only reading a negative amount, it was reading a very negative amount. I looked over at Andy and he must of saw the look of despair, hopelessness and panic in my eyes as he wrapped his arms around me and said “it’s going to be okay Con, we’ll figure this out.” I felt a small bit of relief in his words but had no idea how we would ever figure it out.
Fast forward a couple days and we are on a coaching call with our mentor Brandon Broadwater. He had asked for an update about how things were going and as he listened intently to my fears and anxiety about our financial situation, he asked “so you want to make more money each month?” “yes” I responded. A glimmer of hope entered my mind and I thought “okay finally Brandon will help us to get somewhere.” Then Brandon asked me a question that cut to my very core and helped me begin to understand Higher Law principles. He asked “so how is your relationship?” “My relationship?” I gasped. “What does my relationship have anything to do with making more money?” Again Brandon asked with piercing truth “you want to make more money right?” “yes” I responded again now losing a little patience and grace. “Your relationship has absolutely everything to do with your financial situation.”
In that moment as the truth of that statement sunk into my very core I realized that I had a lot to learn about how to get results in my life. It is incredible how once Andy and I began to improve the connection in our relationship, other tangible things like money fell into place. We started to work together more on financial planning, we were more supportive of each other’s ideas and solutions, we became a team. I know that might not sound like much but for us it made all the difference. We went from being in conflict over money to being a team that worked towards creating a better future, which included more financial security. What was the result? We went from being $1200 in the hole every month to having enough money for our living expenses, savings and paying off debt. We paid debt off faster than we ever had before and at the time paid off 80 percent of our $100,000 debt in a couple of years. The best part was that we were happy together and that our capacity to love one another and work together no matter the circumstance increased. We saw Higher Laws in action as we created a healthier relationship which resulted in healthier finances.
Let’s Make Sure We’ve Got it
- Higher Laws are just as real as physical laws such as gravity
- higher Laws are principles that create results that work upon a paradox
- We cannot change Higher Laws, we can just break ourselves against the laws when we choose to not follow them
- Following Higher Laws creates the results and blessings we desire in this life
Digging Deep
Whether Higher Law principles are new for you are not, here are some ideas that will help you to dig deep in your own life and apply the principles to get the results you want even more of. You can choose to ask yourself these questions, or not but I promise you that those people who dig deep and apply what they are learning are the ones who will get results.
- If Higher Laws principles are new to you, how can you educate yourself about them?
- If you know about Higher Law principles, what is the next Higher Law you need to align to & what is one step you can take towards aligning within the next 24 hours?
I’m humbled and grateful to be on this journey with you. I know that as you apply the Higher Law principles that you learn, you will experience more results in your life. They may not come in your timeline, but they will come. It is a pendulum thing and a predictable law like gravity is; if we align to our Creator’s laws, we will get the attached result or blessing to that law. After all, we cannot build the spiritual muscles of the soul by sitting on the couch of mediocrity. I promise that learning about Higher Law principle is one of the most important things we can do in this life. It is when we understand Higher Laws that we strengthen our spiritual muscles and can create the life we desire. There are a few places that you can learn about Higher Laws. You will find pieces of truth in many places, however one of the place I have found the most truth is through the Higher Laws company by attending the Master Your Power Within event. What an adventure life becomes when our spiritual eyes are opened and we can see things as they really are.
Much love,
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