Monday, March 2, 2015


The biggest complaint most women have is than men in their life simply won’t step it up. 

The secret that most women don’t know is that they hold the keys to unleashing the hero within their man

The best part is that the key is to unleashing the hero in your man is in four simple steps.  

With the four steps to unleashing your man you will learn here, you will be able to not only ask for what you want but will actually get it!  When I didn’t know about these four steps to unleashing your man I was frustrated, angry and resentful about why my husband would not do what I asked him to do.  Once Brandon Broadwater shared these four steps to unleashing your man with me, it was incredible how my husband Andy went from being the guy I would nag to clean up the kitchen to being the guy that would do anything to clean up the kitchen because he knew it was important to me.  He became my hero!  

The first step in unleashing your man is seeing him in a positive light.  For most people this change needs to come from within first so where do you start when you just see the dirty clothes he left lying on the floor and his breathing sounds annoying?  Start by thinking about 1-3 things you admire about him everyday…go on ladies you can find 1 thing! 

The second step is to tell him in a way he can hear!  Have you ever had the experience of trying to talk to your partner only to feel completely unheard as he vacantly watches sports or his favourite show?  That is because you are not using your full feminine power and speaking in a way he can hear.  What do I mean?  Let me ask you a question…do men live in the emotional or the physical world?  The physical right?  So if you want him to hear you…you gots to touch him!  I’m not talking about anything sexual so get your minds out of the gutter!  Touch the back of his neck, arm or shoulder before you open your mouth and just watch what happens.  When I first tried this out with Andy, his head spun around so fast to listen to me that I was a little concerned about whiplash!  

The third step to unleashing your man is to tell him what you admire about him. How often do we think something kind and loving about someone and we don’t tell them?  When I first tried this Andy was sitting at the kitchen table, his body was hunched over his work.  I walked up, touched the back of his neck and immediately got his attention.  Then I looked him in the eyes and told him what I admire about him.  I said “Andy I really admire how much you love us and are willing to do anything for us.”  You know how he responded?  Have you ever seen those foot pumps for air mattresses?  You know the kind where you step on it and then a puff of air goes into the mattress?  Well giving Andy those admirations was just like pumping him up.  I said the first one and he sat a little taller, then the next one he started smiling and by the third one he had a huge grin on his face and his chest was puffed out a little.  He was the man!  It was as though a switched turned on within him and this hunger to hit my heart was lit within him.  

The fourth step is to ask for what you want.  Ladies how can we expect our men to read our minds?  The only way to get what we want is to ask for it in a way he can hear.  So how do we do that?  Ask for one specific thing! How I did this with Andy is I said “There’s just one small thing that if you did it, it would totally hit my heart. If you could clean up your dishes when you’re done.” You know what he did?  He did it!  He cleaned up his dishes because he felt admired, and he knew how much it meant to me.  

So what are the 4 steps to unleashing your man? Here’s a recap...
1. Find 1-3 things you admire about who he is as a person (loving husband, devoted dad)
2. Touch him (back of his neck, arm, shoulder)
3. Tell him what you admire about him!
4. Ask for one specific thing you need (“there’s one small thing that if you did it would hit my heart. If you could pick up your socks it would mean so much to me.”)

I know that if you follow the four steps to unleashing your man you will find even more love and fullfillment in your relationship and your man will be even more of the hero he can be. I am so grateful for learning about these 4 steps to unleashing your man at the Mastering Your Power Within 3 Day Event with Higher Laws. I wish I could give you everything that I learned there that took my marriage from “okay” to "better than the day we got married” but Brandon Broadwater uses an entire day to cover the higher laws of relationships.  I can tell you this though…start with the 4 steps to unleashing your man and I promise you will be shocked at how much more willing your partner is to do the things you need him to do!

Interested in more information about how to have even more love in your relationships and you want a complimentary coaching session with a master coach call 702-577-1676 or e-mail

Use the 4 steps to unleashing your man and tell me how it goes!  I would love to hear your stories.  
